Tin Plate

Tin Coating Weight Dimensions
CodesMin. Coating WeightMax. Coating WeightOrder Example
1.00.751.401.0/1.0, 1.0/2.0, 1.0/2.8, 1.0/5.6, 1.5/2.8, 1.5/5.6, 1.5/8.4
2.01.702.202.0/2.0, 2.0/2.8, 2.0/5.6, 2.0/8.4
2.82.452.702.8/2.8, 2.8/5.6, 2.8/8.4, 2.8/11.2, 5.6/8.4, 8.4/5.6, 5.6/11.2
8.47.758.458.4/8.4, 8.4/11.2, 8.4/5.6,8.4/2.8
11.210.310.9011.2/11.2, 11.2/8.4, 11.2/5.6,11.2/2.8

End Usage

Electrolytic Tinplate Steel is used for beverage cans, food cans, aerosols, general cans, motor oil cans, electrical parts, dry battery cells and toys.

Temper Grades

One time rolled products (Rockwell Superficial HR30T)

Tin Coating Weight Dimensions
Codes 1.0ScopeApplications
t ≤0.210.21㎜<t ≤0.280.28
T50Less than 53Less than 52Less than 51 Drawn requirements, nozzles, spouts
T5253 ±352 ±3Less than 51Ring and plugs, domes, shallow drawn
T5556 ±355 ±354 ±3 Battery shells, small can ends and bodies
T5758 ±357 ±356 ±3Top and bottom of cans
T6162 ±361 ±360 ±3Can bodies, crown caps and closures
T6565 ±365 ±364 ±3Can ends and bodies requiring intensity

Temper Grades

Two time rolled products (Rockwell Superficial HR30T)

Tin Coating Weight Dimensions
Codes 1.0ScopeApplications
AverageAverage durability of 0.2%
DR55073 ±3550 ±70DRD bodies, bodies and caps of
LUG CAP beer cans, bodies of carbonated
beverage cans
DR58074 ±3580 ±70
DR62076 ±3620 ±70
DR66077 ±3660 ±70
DR69080 ±3690 ±70
Surface Finish and Appearance
CodesFeaturesTypesTarget Surface Conditions
B1Coated tin on the smoothly polished plate and then lustered surface. It has the most lustrous surface.BRIGHTFINISH0.15-0.30Ra
R1Coated tin on the roughly polished plate and then lustered surface. It is less bright than B.STONEFINISH0.30-0.50Ra
M1Coated tin on the dull plate and no luster treatment processed.MATTEFINISH0.7-1.3Ra
S1Coated tin on the dull plate and then lustered surface. It has little luster.SILVERFINISH1.0-1.8Ra


TFS (Tin Free Steel, also known as ECCS, Electro-Chromium-Coated-Steel).

Low carbon steel covered with chromium with a layer between them of steel-chromium alloy. Its price is slightly cheaper than tinplate. It is mainly used for producing can lids or ends, two pieces cans (drawn cans) and crown caps.

Chromium provides very good lacquer adherence. It is not apt for welding.

This material can be supplied in sheets or coils. In the case of sheets, we deliver the material lacquered and printed, as well as with straight or scroll cut.

Even though the minimum thickness can be of 0.10mm, the standard range is between 0.13 and 0.50mm.

Basic Uses of tinplate

  • Food cans: Standard ends, easy-open ends, twist-off caps, crown taps, round or rectangular welded bodies, drawn bodies, and deep drown bodies (DWI).
  • General line cans: Aerosol, ends, tops, rings, welded round or rectangular bodies, welded and expanded bodies, drawn bodies, decorative cans.
  • Other applications: Deep drawn and moderate conformation.